The Practice
Main number | 0208 903 6033 |
Out of hours (NHS111) | 111 |
Community Services
District Nursing (8:30am – 4:30pm Monday to Friday) | 0208 438 7180 |
Wheelchair service in Brent and Ealing | 0808 164 2040 |
Useful numbers
Wembley Centre for Health & Care | 0208 795 6000 |
Central Middlesex Hospital | 0208 965 5733 |
Northwick Park Hospital | 0208 864 3232 |
Health First | 0208 902 1402 |
Peace Pharmacy | 0208 904 2071 |
Brent Council | 0208 937 1200 |
PALS | 0208 795 6140 |
Stop Smoking | 0208 795 6669 |
Children’s Centre (Health Visiting) | 0208 795 6030 |