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Teaching Practice

Our practice is a designated training practice; you may be offered a consultation with a GP Registrar or Trainee Doctor who is a qualified doctor that spends a year or few months at the practice following their foundation training. The registrar/trainee Doctor works closely with our approved GP trainers.

We are also a research practice and can be called at times to provide names and addresses of patients with certain illnesses under our studies. You may receive a letter asking if you would like to participate. In these circumstances, a researcher is allowed to access relevant records in order to gain such a list of approval to carry out research. Such studies are always bound by Duties of Confidentiality (Confidential Act 1995), similar to all our staff.


Medical Students

We are a teaching practice and students sometimes sit in with the doctors and nurses. If you prefer not to have a student sitting in, please let the doctor or receptionist know.

General Practitioner Registrars

GP Registrars are often attached to the practice and are fully qualified doctors gaining experience in general practice.

Videoing Consultations

As part of on-going training some doctors may on occasion video their consultations. Consent is always obtained from patients prior to their appointment being videoed. You of course have the opportunity to decline.

Practice Staff Training

Occasionally, the practice will close for half a day to ensure all staff receive the appropriate training to perform their jobs well. When these sessions are planned, we will notify patients well in advance. Notice of the closure will be advertised in the practice and emergency cover will be provided during these times.